Toni Anguiano


Cirriculum Vitae

... then she said, "I see stars..."

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The Artist

Toni Anguiano is a self-taught and school-taught studio/digital artist based in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. In December 2020, She graduated from San Jose State University where she earned a BFA in Digital Media Art and graduated at the top of her class, earning the title of President's Scholar for her expectional academic excellence. Digtal media art has become her primary method to create her work since graduating. Her work and style is influenced by various topics and themes from history, literature to film, music, popculture, true crime, mythology and theology. Toni is currently working aside as a freelance digital artist and content moderator for a popular facebook fashion and music group, EMO ARMY, where she assists in promoting member engagement, discovering and adding intriguing content, encourage interaction, and social media management.



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Contact Me

Would you like to collaborate on a project? Or have any questions about the work in my portfolio? Shoot me an email! Send Message

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