
Title: What A Scream

Medium: Print on paper + AR overlay

Dimensions: 7 x 12 in.

February 21, 2019


My digital collage looks like an odd, colorful explosion of geometric shapes meets
unamused classic monsters. Speaking for myself, being the creator of this collage,
it feels inviting and and interesting to stare at. The various bright colors along
with the curious shapes hides the dark undertones of the image containing tortured
monsters and a young girl weidling a knife. Perhaps similar to a venus fly trap;
setting off an intriguing allure and not sending out any indication of something
sinister. The personal motivation for this piece was my love for classic movies and
comics in the horror genre. The monsters included in the collage are Frankenstein's
monster, Count Dracula, the Wolfman, and the Mummy. Underneath them is an intimdating
young goth girl. The intention for this project was simply to pay homage to classic
media, such as film and comics from the 1930's and on. Often times people forget where
today's media was born from and it I wanted to prove that it has not been forgotten,
or pushed aside as though it is no longer of importance to media today. I would like
for my audience to percieve this piece however they like; whether it be on a computer
as a gif jpeg file, as a flat poster on a wall, or as an augmented reality overlay.
I believe the point of the work would get across in any of the above, however they
choose to view the piece. My biggest influences for creating this project are the
classic monster I so dearly love and the music album "Famous Monsters" by the Misfits.