
Title: Lost Soul

Medium: Digital Video/Video Collage

Duration: 1 min.

"Braan na Beatha" composed by Adrian von Zeigler;
"Hands in Fog" by Life of Pix;
"Walking Around the Forest" by Pixabay;
"A Park's View of Autumn Trees on a Foggy Day" by INNORECORDS;
"Driving Along a Foggy Road" by Asif Khan

March 11, 2019

I created this video to conjure a feeling of uneasiness in my audience.
I believe unsettlingimages and videos are more influential than those that are not,
therefore I created "Lost Soul".The story of the video is a wandering soul trying
to find its way out of the fog, looking forthe end of the mist and the forest.
Perhaps it is in purgatory, and does not know how long it hasbeen lost for. I
wantedthis short film to be open-ended and force the viewers to be left haunted by
the impression of this film is sadness, emptiness and endlessness. These are the
feelings I had experienced during the ten years I suffered from deep chronic depression.
In which I felt like a lost soul and was not sure if I would continue on each day up
until about a year and a half ago when I overcame it. This small film collage loosely
represents how I felt walking through life each day, faking a, smile and trying to hide
what was really going on inside.

Title: Lost in the Shadow of Infamy

Medium: Digital Video/Video Collage

Duration: 3:34 min.

"CBS News Report on Hunt for Zodiac Killer"
"Zodiac on Jim Dunbar"
Images from Zodiac Killer Website

September 17, 2019

Toni_Anguiano_Proj01 from Toni Anguiano on Vimeo.

(ART 75) I created this piece to spread awareness of how the media glorifies tragic events.
In the clip, you see the places around the Bay Area (i.e. San Francisco, Vallejo,
Lake Berryessa, Benicia) where the Zodiac Killer committed his heinous crimes in
the late seventies. In each of the four places are images of the victims as an
audio clips that play a news broadcast and a talk show both airing cintent about
the zodiac.In the news clip audio, the anchorman quickly glosses over the four
victims and continues on about the Zodiac. In the next clip, two men are allowing
the Zodiac to talk on their show. At no point in time did they shut down the caller.
This is a common occurrance to this day where the news and other media will keep
the Killer, mass shooter, or other "juicy" tragedies done by the hand of mentally
ill people on screen and in the news. The victims are often soon forgotten and the
murderer becomes immortalized. This video is supposed to function as a wake-up call
to how often this ouccrance happens. The media has to stop glorifying murderers
and remembering victims. The more they put bad people in the news, the more ideas it
gives to other mentally unstable people who want to get the same type of attention
or be "remembered" for something.

Title: Goddess

Medium: Digital Video/Projection Installation

Duration: 2:00 min.

"Color Smoke videos" by Pixabay

October 3, 2019

Toni_Anguiano_Project02 from Toni Anguiano on Vimeo.

(Art 75) "Goddess" is a projection installation art concept I created for my Art 75: Intro
to Digital Video class. The idea behind this piece is to calm the nerves and reduce anxiety
or act as a safe haven for people with anxiety disorders. If it were possible, I would create
an enclosed space in the middle of a busy city with a lot of foot traffic, such as the Sunset
Strip in LA. I would create chalk arrows down the strip that would lead the follower into an
alley just off the busy path and they would stumble upon Goddess. A room filled with whimsical
scenery, calming music and a secret garden. In that enclosed dark space, I would set up a little
oasis of flowers, shrubbery and little lights that light up the floor as the viewer walks past them.
The purpose of Goddess is to add a little magic into someone's day, even if only for a moment.
As adults, we often are too busy or too overwhelmed to take a moment for ourselves, and breathe.
I want this piece to provoke childlike wonder, distract my audience from their worries, be fun
and to remind people to take a moment for themselves.