
Title: P5 Painting

Medium: code, css

Dimensions: Unknown

Date Created: May 9, 2019

I created this piece using in-line code and by basically playing around
with RBG codes. I aspired to make something in relation to the basic RBG, CYMK and
black and white colors in relation to the color systems used in web design and so
on. I also was experimenting with the sizing and trying to make each ellipse look
as though they are in different stages of creation (i.e. beginner, intermediate and
advanced). Although this code painting is quite simple, it was a surprisingly long
process to get the image to the point that it is at now. I plan to keep working on
this piece and adding more to it and play around with the concept a bit further.

Title: Ghostie

Medium: p5.js

Dimensions: Unknown

Date Created: September 16, 2019

Ghostie's eyes will follow the mouse around the screen; he waves when his arm is clicked
on. Click on the purple orb and a magenta one appears. Click on the background behind
the left of his head and the orb disappears again. The bones are Ghostie's and he loves
to make them fly for his guests as a party trick. This is my avatar and a beginning concept
for a short comic idea. With the Halloween season fast approaching, I figured it would be
appropriate to create an avatar in relation to the holiday.