
Title: Skull/Still Life

Medium: Charcoal, white conti, black paper.

Dimensions: 14 x 11 in.

February 08, 2015

Skull still life was a study piece. I was practicing and playing
with the concept of bringing lights out of shadow, rather than
adding shadow to light. This piece was my first attempt as realism.

Title: Clown Coming Undone

Medium: wire, yarn, glue.

Dimensions: 35 in.

September 2017

Clown Coming Undone is a piece about mental instability. The
inspiration for this sculpture came from the clown epidemic that was
going on around the Bay Area when the new "IT" film was coming out.
The transition of something that is supposed to be innocent and bring
joy and laughter ultimately becoming something horrific and terrifying
interests me greatly. Therefore I created what appears to be a clown who
is mentally unraveling. The balloons atop his head represent innocence,
joy, and love leaving the clowns body as something more sinister is taking
over. The clown has a blank stare and holds a wide smile while he is falling
apart, as many devastated people tend to do. He lost his purpose due to stigma.

Title: Chloe

Medium: Charcoal, graphite, white paint.

Dimensions: 27 x 35 in.

December 13, 2018

This was my first real attempt at realism with graphite and charcoal
on white sketch paper. I taught myself how to create the illusion of
depth and 3D forms after many years of drawing cartoons and attempting
realism once every blue moon. This piece took about 24 hours to complete.
I made this piece because I got inspired by Chloe Moretz's portrayal of
Carrie in the 2013 recreation of the classic horror film.

Title: Realism Face

Medium: Charcoal, white conti, graphite.

Dimensions: 14 x 11 in.

April 21, 2017

This was another face study I had done as I was getting more
comfortable with shading and adding deep shadows to human features. I
referenced an image of Emma Stone for this work.

Title: Sharon

Medium: Charcoal, white paint pen, graphite on toned paper.

Dimensions: 14 x 11 in.

June 20, 2018

This is an image of Sharon Tate I drew after visiting her grave in Los
Angeles. She had always been one of my favorite actresses and after I
visited her, I had the strong urge to immortalize her in a work of mine.
I consider this piece another face study, however I also used it as a way
to soend time with her. I felt very connected her while creating this piece
and I believe that is how any art piece should be created. Through a deep
connection to the subject.

Title: Eternal Peace

Medium: Photography.

Dimensions: 12x18 in.

March 27, 2019

This is one photo from a series of different cemetery shots I had taken
for no other reason than to show how beautiful and peaceful cemeteries can
be. Unfortunately many people fear cemeteries or view them as bad places
because deceased people are buried in them but I believe the opposite. I believe
cemeteries are beautiful. The layouts, the architecture, the elaborate head-
stones, and the things people leave on their loved-one's graves to honor their
memory; They are beautiful in their way. One would be surprised at some of the
amazing sculptures and artworks newer cemeteries have. Not to mention the people
who lay in rest in them; I believe they deserve to be remembered. I may not know
what any of those people looked like or who they were, but I know their names.
In homage to the people who were here before us, I create these pieces.